This page last changed on Apr 04, 2005 by mroberts.

CruiseControl.NET is distributed in 3 formats:

  • An installer that copies the CruiseControl.NET files to a location on your hard disk, and sets up a virtual directory, etc.
  • A binary zip file includes the same files as the installer but gives you more control over what you want to do with them
  • A source zip which allows you to read or make your own changes to the CruiseControl.NET source code.

Once you have downloaded one of the binary distributions unzip it into a folder (in the case of the zip) or run the executable (in the case on the installer) on the integration server. This will give you several sub-folders:

Select one of the links above for more detailed information on installing one of the CruiseControl.NET applications.
Document generated by Confluence on Jun 26, 2005 17:22